
Sunday, June 23


Cukup 5 months mengabaikan blog ni.. terkejut dapat baby gamaknye, hahha since my last normal menstrual period (LNMP) was 25th of January which makes the expected date of delivery (EDD) 1st of November (coincidentally same with my birthday- tu pun if memang klua time tu =P )..
Currently am reaching 22 weeks, 18 weeks to go.dah start feel the movements of the baby, kadang2 he/she lies at right side, left side, kadang2 kat tengah.. hopefully semuanya selamat insyaAllah =)

Antenatal follow-up with my own lecturer, Dr. Muna, O&G Specialist, which was my mentor in Year 3. tu lah advantage nye if study kat UIA ni..hehe
Pengalaman my 1st trimester (time awal2 mengandung hingga bulan ke 3 or 4 bulan) agak mencabar. Time tau tu mase specialized posting, which consists of 5 different minor (tak minor sangatlah) postings ; Radiology (tend to being exposed with radiation), Anaesthesia ( berdiri je dalam Operation Theatre, buat CPR paling mencabar nasib tak muntah2 time tu sbb tgh morning sickness teruk time tu), Opthalmology ( Clinic busy lah jugak tapi sampai tengah hari je), ENT (busy clinic n classes sampai ade class malam), and last sekali Dermatology ( memang ni paling relax tapi exam cam susah gaklah sbb banyak diseases of the skin nih).

Back to cerita time 1st trimester, muntah2 tu memang ade pagi petang siang malam, tiba2 tak lalu bau durianlah padahal sebelum ni memang gila durian, tak lalu bau minyak masak tgh panas, tak lalu tengok ayam mentah, tak lalu bau tumis2, tak lalu makan nugget, tak boleh nak makan sayur langsung, tengok telur mata pun rase nak muntah. Dapur memang tak berasap LANGSUNG sampailah dah masuk 5 bulan ni baru leh tolerate ckit2, tapi still tengok ayam mentah rase nak muntah. Penah sekali g Kenny Rogers makan 2 3 suap then mintak tapau je sebab tiba2 rase nak muntah. Tak tentu selera ni, kadang teringin sangat2 something then bila dah ade depan mata, tak lalu dah. My husband pun pelik, he called the syndrome as "ngada-ngada syndrome" haha. Then i told him kecik hati baby dalam perut ni if dengar, then he said "ok2 tak. gurau je, baby nak ape? jom2.." haha xD

My morning sickness worsen at night, if malam2 je mesti rase loya muntah2 teruk, after isyak terus terbaring je..since tak dapat nak study langsung malam2 mase tu ngah specialized posting and nak kene study for 5 different postings utk exam end block, I changed my strategy for the sake of exam, tiap2 hari g kelas or clinic kene focus and absorb as much as I can sbb dah tau if malam2 memang tak dapat nak study.. Buat case write up pun sambil terbaring atas katil and terlelap-lelap sebab rase letih sangat.. Alhamdulillah we passed the posting and secure our place in Year 5 (Final Year). Tinggal nak strive for this posting je - Community and Family Medicine.

Salah satu benda yg tak dapat nak elak, ade mase2 i forget about the Do's and Don'ts mase mengandung contohnye takleh meniarap, and takleh angkat or buat kerja berat2.. Mase kat clinic tu ade sekali tolong angkat budak umur 3 tahun turun drpd katil time mak die ngah buat scan sampai akak nurse tu bising "eh jangan~! kamu tu tgh awal lagi..".. Then mase g naik bot kat Ulu Tembeling ade one time ni bot tersadai kat pasir sbb cetek sgt then pegi lah turun n tolong tolak bot tu sekali dengan org lain then panjat bot tu balik..sebab mase tu tak terase perut besar lagi kot tapi time tulah bahaye sebenarnye.. -_-''

Sekarang ni more to makan daging and ikan, and if tgh ok lalu lah makan ayam. Sayur pun certain sayur je lalu, maybe more to cara hidangan sayur tu. Sayur bertumis memang tak lalu, if ulam raja cicah ngan belacan ok, coleslaw pun ok, salad biase pun ok.. and Alhamdulillah alahan teruk2 yang dulu tu dah pelan2 kurang =)

Dah, sambung study, next week nak exam!! Permudahkanlah urusan kami ya Allah, peliharalah kami dan semoga kami dapat menjawab exam dengan tenang and PASS this coming exam ni.. Amin~ =)


Sunday, January 20

New Post =)

Dah berapa bulan ntah tak view blog ni..lupa lak ade blog -__-" Balik2 on9 bukak fb twitter youtube..again and again and again~
Alhamdulillah we passed the most busiest n toughest posting: Orthopaedics. The most busiest sebab everyday wajib dok kat ward 8 a.m till 5 p.m, plus oncall at least twice a week in which means that from 8 a.m to 12 midnight. Tired. Exhausted. Tang mana tah nak cari ruang for self study sambil wat nota atas meja. And in this 4th year, this is the only posting yang ade viva plus clinical exam, which is the scariest part. Pandai-pandailah korang. Tapi alhamdulillah, dah lepas dah..fuhh~ ^__^

Dah 5 bulan kawen. First time pengalaman sewa rumah sendiri. Alhamdulillah, memang awal2 banyak belanje, yelah baru nak masuk rumah kan =). Syukur dapat rumah sewa yg agak selesa n tak membebankan nak bayar bulan2. Bil elektrik free (sbb bawah rm25 fully subsidized, so kene pandai2 berjimat). Bil air lak rm 2 or 3 per month. Astro n bil internet lagi, alhamdulillah setakat ni semua takde masalah. Kira selesa untuk status student =).  


Wednesday, September 26


Its been ages since the last post. Now, I'm already somebody's wife  (^_^)v peace!!
First of all alhamdulillah dah berjaya menjejakkan kaki ke tahun 4 after some suffering in 3rd year and alhamdulillah segalanya berjalan lancar mase majlis nikah n reception hari tu. Dah hampir sebulan masuk 4th year ni, jz finished forensic posting n currently in psychiatry posting. Dah hampir sebulan jugak kitorang kawen =). So far so good sebab forensic n psychiatry posting ni macam relax je.. but next week dh start orthopaedic posting, the malignant posting of all according to seniors..huhu -_-"

Monday, May 21

THE BEAR & THE MEOW - #DamnItsTrue

Langit tak selalu cerah, hidup tak sentiasa indah. Kadang2 ape yg kite lihat or diperlihatkan semuanya elok2 sempurna belaka, seia sekata (SchAwal?? xD) tetapi hakikatnye diri sendiri n masing2 yg lebih arif. Dah memang lumrah hidup, it juz the matter how we face n solve them (or maybe juz unsolvable?). Ape2 pun doa agar sentiase diberikan yang terbaik.. Allah yg menetapkan segalanya, Dia yg maha berkuasa n maha mengetahui akan setiap sesuatu..
Lagi2 utk pasangan, apatah lg suami isteri (oh tak lama lg insyaAllah *risau gak ni -_- )
mesti ade salah faham, tak puas hati, jeles ke hape kadang2 kan..


Then the next phase should be a discussion or sesi pujuk memujuk explain mengexplain or yg sewaktu should be or a must! ( tapi at times dengan muka toya nye...haha =P)

But sometimes, times and spaces are needed for each other to cool down..masing2 dengan cara masing2 =) Yang paling penting masa ni.. SABAR~ for both! SETIA and TRUST, BERSYUKUR dgn ape yg diberi n saling MENGHARGAI n MEMAHAMI pun penting gak ye

"lemme cool down..."
"jz dance n forget d probs for a while.."

Then ape2 pun yg terjadi selagi kite same2 berusaha utk kebahagiaan, saling memaafkan forgive n forget, its not impossible for us to have the sparks n the happiness over n over again. start a new chapter!
 always try to remain it this way forever =)

Saturday, April 7

weekend @ HOME


TEST POWER MY SIS' WEBCAM =P ..after attended my dad's friend's daughter wedding (time ni mak tgk kitorg amik2 gamba then "jap2 mak cri tudung dlu".....)

PLUS THE MOM..n the sicko bro

A short weekend indeed. Macam hari ni sampai rumah, esok nk balik dah. Hours of travelling more than just worth. Being with the loved ones, wake up in the morning breakfast infront of TV, sleep with no worries what to study or do tomorrow in the ward..automatically forget that u r a medical student with case presentations, seminars and case write ups to do. ;-) feelin good!

Tuesday, January 31

other picts from the event


Sunday, January 15

Start to be more serious

In study! kene gigih rajin tabah n kuat semangat pegi ward clerk patient buat case presentation buat procedures sambut baby!..kentalkan hati kene marah perli or halau sekali pun..yeah, kuat3! Nak pass exam, nak jadi doctor, nak bulan2 gaji masuk, nak beli rumah kete, nak bwk family g vacation nak hantar anak2 g sekolah hebat2..buat mase terdekat ni, oh ye nak ka~wen hihi =P
*Hyper mode dapat nescafe >~(^_^)~< ....euphoria

Tak boleh jadi nih, shuld be serious to get or never...
