
Monday, May 3

Y1B4 !!! New Block, New Stuffs!!

Its a kinda tiring day block juz begin.. Biostatistic, Epidemiology, bla bla bla..THis block we gonna keep ourselves bz not only by MEMORIZING DATA, but even CALCULATING n INTERPRETING the data given..I hope that i still have the passion in math like i used to have when i was in 2ndry school n oso during my foundation yrs... the patience to look at the numbers, solving 'em (sumtimes repeatedly) with long calculations till i get the desired answer...oyeah~!!!

Hm, hari ni jadi isu lak among some of the sisters... semalam cik t lepak kat bilik, nampak me tiba2 dia kata 'awat nampak kurus?'.. haha kurus kah? rasa cam biasa je,chubby like then my rumate saje je melawak, 'dia g daftar gym cuti ritu'..cik t mati2 caye n tanya brapa harga register gym..uish..if g gym dah jadi cam jullian dah x pun brianna evigan...hak2 =D..then tadi time lunch my ex rumate cakap, 'tadi akak nampak wani, dari belakang akak tgk baju macam kenal, tp nampak lain, macam nampak kecik ckit, rupanya betul aa wani'... petang tadi time lepak2 ngan my rumate, dia cakap, ade 1 group of sisters approach die...cik t yg still x puas ati ngan jawapan semalam pun ade t,saya sayang anda)..diorang tanye my rumate what happen to wani, nampak cam dah kurus, ape die wat weh??...tiba2 rase cam tense lak, kene make sure jd kurus betul2 to meet their expectation n maybe can share wif 'em my recipe of so issue for today: besides of new block begins n reospe, one more thing is what happen to wani?? I love u all, thanx sebab amik berat =) hihi....
lapa...=(..tgh tunggu nasik masak, nak makan, lauk sambal ikan bilis pun jadilah dh malas sgt nk turun..adios!!


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